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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Do People Transform or Form into Leaders?

Over the holiday break I was able to spend some time reading a couple of books. One of the books, Open, Andre Agassi’s autobiography was given to me as a gift by my sister. Many of you might have heard the uproar about his book since he admitted to using recreational drugs during his professional tennis career. At first, I was surprised and shocked at the news. After further thought, I don’t hold it against him. I actually respect him even more for having the guts to admit it.

After reading Andre’s book, it made me think of that old saying. The one that goes, “The truth will hurt, but it will set you free in the end”. Now, I’m not perfect and of course like anyone I have my share of demons. I don’t plan to write a book about them either. Even if I did, who would read it? Maybe one of my next door neighbors since they don’t really know too much about me. I know my wife and close friends wouldn’t read it because they already know my demons. If they don’t know them and are curious, they could just ask.

A take away from Andre’s book that I believe can apply to developing people in organizations is his view on transformations. In his book, he challenges the conventional wisdom about transformation. Transformation is changing from one thing to another. In Andre’s case, he did not transform, he formed. He started with nothing and formed into a mature athlete, businessman, and father.

In my company we put forth a lot of effort to change people’s behavior so they can transform into something different. New and current employees that start new positions will make attempts to form into leaders or succeed in a new career. In my observations, usually after about 90 days, either the employee or manager stops by my office to discuss how they want to see a change. If the new employee is lucky to have a straight forward manager, they receive regular feedback to improve their performance. Sometimes the new employee rebels at the feedback and sometimes they listen. This can be a problem when the manager is quick to label the employee before they have a chance to form. Quick labels like, “fails to see the big picture” or “lacks collaboration skills” can ruin an employee’s career. It’s like judging a tennis match before it is over. In tennis, there is no clock to win a point. A tennis rally is not over until the ball is hit out, missed, or hit into the net. Similarly, in organizations employees need time to form into leaders. Managers need to observe an employee’s performance and not judge it too soon or wait until it’s too late (i.e., at the end of the year performance appraisal). They should not label the employee after 90 or 180 days. Rather, give the employee regular and specific feedback and let them form.

Have you ever experienced this type of people development in your company? Do you have an example of how to best develop people into leaders?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Find Some Light in 2010

Well 2009 is almost to an end and I hear many people making the same statements from years past. Statements such as, "This year flew" or "This year went by way too fast". The truth of the matter is this year went by at the same speed as any other calendar year. If you survive this year, your time on earth in 2009 will be 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes or 365.24 days. For you scientists out there, this equals one complete orbit of Earth around the Sun.

Towards the end of the year, just like many other years we start to hear experts or claimed experts preach how to improve ourselves for next year. It seems they first start with the typical self improvement goals or New Year's resolutions. Just like a broken record, they are the same goals from last year. A google search of "New Year's resolutions" will show you what many are thinking for 2010. No surprises here, it's the same as last year. Just in case you slept through last year here are the common resolutions: lose more weight, exercise more, quit smoking, spend more time with family, quit drinking, etc.

Second, about this time of year we start to hear the so claimed experts advocate how to achieve these goals. Some claim to use common ways such as, SMART goals: Simple, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. For those that don't know, SMART, is an easy to remember acronym that anyone can use to work toward to achieve your own success. That sounds so easy. Just use the SMART acronym and my problems are solved, right?

For some reason I just don't believe it's that simple. If it was that simple then everyone would do it. We wouldn't hear about the same goals that didn't get accomplished from last year for this year. Doesn't this sound like that old Albert Einstein quote? The one that goes, "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result".

In business, the colleagues I support and coach have a similar process for their goals. It goes something like this. This year we want to grow more market share, increase gross margin, increase sales, or lower costs. Of course we want to do this, who doesn't? Do we really need someone to tell us this is our goal? Should we also make a goal that we need to wake up today?

Most companies have some type of annual goal setting process. In short, the colleague sets goals at the beginning of the year, reviews them with their manager, the goals are approved by their manager, and the colleague works real hard to achieve those goals over the year. I find this process almost useless. Yes, you read that correct. Ben the 10 year human resource veteran says that setting annual goals can be useless. I will attempt to explain below. Most goals get set and people place little to no emphasis on how they plan to enjoy the time it takes to achieve these goals. Instead we fight like Michael Vick's dogs throughout the year trying to achieve these goals. Along the way we get burnt out, create more enemies, and become more dissatisfied with our job. At the end of the year, our manager dusts off our goals and checks for completion.

Instead of setting annual goals, my advice is to be real with yourself and your company, or boss for that matter. Be prepared to be flexible and adjustable with your plan, but keep the end in mind. Expect change, but always keep your intent obvious. Most importantly, make sure you are finding time to have fun with your goals. Yes, I know that having fun, doing work and achieving your goals sounds like fire and ice, but it's more like the Yin Yang recipe to achieve your goals and find happiness. Tim Gallwey, author of "The Inner Game of Work", talks about the idea of goal mobility. He states that, “The ability to move towards our desired goals. Not just to achieve them but to enjoy the process. To adapt and change as necessary and to achieve them in the right time and in the right place”. Achieving our goals in 2010 will not be about developing SMART goals just as we do every year and get the same result. It will be about finding more light to shine on what we want to achieve with our goals.

When we run into a brick wall or dark spot in 2010, get your flashlights out and shine it on your problems. This will bring new perspective and light to the scene. It will help you see areas where you can have a different point of view and receive more information. It will help you see what is on the other side of the brick wall. Then if what you see is worth going for, you will do whatever it takes to get over or around that brick wall. If it's not worth it, you can re-evaluate your options or find another path to your goal.

If you are getting paid a salary to achieve goals, such as in business, I can assure you that it will not come easy in 2010. It almost never does. Thus, when the going gets tough, step back and shine some light on your goals. The greater your problem, the greater the darkness, and the more your light your darkness needs. Focus on how far you have come not on how far you must go. Appreciate what you have accomplished. Recognize that progress has little to do with speed, but more to do with purpose and the direction you are going with your goals.
